Matthew McGrath



                Welcome to the official website of Matthew McGrath.

     (B.S Exercise Science/Health Promotion, MBA Management, CSCS-TSAC, Certified Nutrition Coach, Certified Security Professional, Liscensed Real Estate Agent, 1st Phorm Athlete)


     If you're motivated to get healthier and stronger, you've come to the right place. If you would like to learn more about myself click on the about me tab for a little bit more on my background. If you would like to contact me you may do so by my email, phone, or by my social media accounts. Starting a fitness journey is never easy, you may feel lost, intimidated etc. I have been there, I once was in your shoes, I was you. I was a beginner that had no idea what I was doing. But through years of education, learning from many mentors and also by teaching myself through trial and error.  I will say that I am equipped to help you on your journey. Don't hesitate every journey begins with a step and a decision to take action. I can give you the tools but only you have the ability to decide to take action, decide to take charge of your life. Whats your reason for living? What motivates you? Determining that a lot of times will make your mission clearer. Strength comes from a need not a desire you need to determine that need. If you are not sure I can help you determine and uncover what makes you tick. Difference between me and other trainers I don't sugarcoat things. I won't tell you you can lose weight by eating junk for example. I am not gonna sell you that the journey is easy and you can achieve results by not working hard. You want the reward you are gonna have to work hard for it. You will get what you put in. That is what I was taught and those values are what drive me and are what helped me achieve the results I have and were the foundation to help me accomplish what I have. As the saying goes you are what you eat,you reap what you sow. I may say things you don't want to hear but need to.  I guarantee you though if you follow my counsel I will get you to your fitness goals. The key as well to a successful fitness goal is lifestyle change. A lot of people gain weight back because they revert to old habits. We need to find a workout and diet routine you can stick with for life that you can sustain. We all have great potential in ourselves, all we have to do is find it.  Let's get it together. Happy training. 







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